Photographing Evergreen

Photographing Evergreen

My Uncle John Troisi is coming to Evergreen next week on a picture-taking mission. He has traveled all over the USA over the past three or four decades to take photographs, which he turns into breathtaking slideshows set to music. He is a prominent local photographer in the Susquehanna Valley (PA) whose work has been displayed in art galleries in his hometown of Williamsport.

Uncle John has chosen the Colorado foothills because he loves the western United States – plus two of his nieces and their families live here in Evergreen, presenting the opportunity to combine “business” with a mini-family reunion. Uncle John’s idea of a vacation is to wake up at 4 or 5 am so he can be on-site and ready to capture the sunrise, shoot for hours, then do it again for the sunset. My cousin Cindy and I are hoping to catch a little time with him in the middle of the days, if we can tear him away from his camera. (It would be nice if he would shoot us, but people are not his specialty. Perhaps he’ll make an exception this time!)

But we also want to give Uncle John the best advice we can on where he can capture the most unique, spectacular pictures in his short time here. Evergreen Lake House, Red Rocks Park and Mt. Evans are obvious candidates, but this whole mountain area is so spectacular – where are the hidden gems? Where should Uncle John go to get the most unique and memorable shots? He is willing to travel a couple hours – and then wait more hours for the right light.

Please pass your suggestion on! And feel free to share some of your own photographs.

The Hammster